Expat Laura
i hate..
2003-09-18 | 4:26 p.m.


God forbid we actually learn something of importance. Instead, we have the fear of God (or rather, of Bohm) drilled into out hearts, we learn an obedience to all people in power without questioning, we are not taught to think just rote learn. And I can't believe that this is school now, with all the freedoms people have fought for over the ages: to vote, to have freedom of speech and thought, that we are in an institution that does not allow indepedent thought or even encourage it, that does not in any meaningful way prepare you for the real world.

I don't understand how somewhere that is supposed to instill in us the desire to learn, to make us enjoy learning, can be so deeply against questionning what we learn, making sure it's right. Surely a school should value knowledge, true knowledge, over everything else. But this all seems to contrary to what actually happens, how can a child's desire to learn be snubbed so quickly? What a way to douse the fire, the passion for learning with cold water.

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