Expat Laura
2003-11-22 | 11:15 a.m.

Friday Nights with my homosexual Love Partner (that's bi-sexual to you!) Eleanor Swain rock. Despite the fact I'm stupid, and was sick like a dog - oh so cool I know - fantastic memories include:

Roleplays involving a swedish milk maid, a farmer(ette?), her pitchforkm, a cow and milking the cow.

Breastage measurements and the dispute between 2/3 being more attractive or 1/3.

Looking like a CrackWhore (Laura) and a sleek, sophisticated Swedish Milkmaid (Eleanor).

"Binge Drinking" as definied as +4 drinks...ooh dare devils we be.

Throwing up like something from the Exorcist to find out there was no toilet papier as darling Eleanor had used the last bit up (bitchface!).

Good times. Good times.

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