Expat Laura
porno habit
2004-01-11 | 4:44 p.m.

Went out for lunch in Stanley today with the Old Man (who's downstairs now snoozing - the ravages of age) and got swamped in this memory of last year. Was a bit like an emergency on a plane, in that was to make a rush for the exit but too much goddamn crap in the way prevented me from getting anywhere. So was stuck in this revolving door of a memory going round and round which was rather distracting and and weird to say the least. Mmm. Revolving door memories.

Have word of advice for E. Since you have given into all other vices (e.g self-lovin', drinking self into stupor, gambling, rampant drug use, S&M, stealing and pillaging to name but a few) you should give into the porn habit and become blind by the age of 20. Like me. Because I don't see the degradation of women in porn, if they choose to do so voluntarily - in fact, was it with you that I saw the advert on University job site for model willing to bare all for porno mag? - anyway they said they'd get back to me on that one but moving on. Back to the PH (porn habit). Would maybe give you a good start into the business.

Obviously I have been giving the PH issue the attention it deserves as during the time I should have been working I have been contemplating the mysteries of life e.g why can't I walk on the ceiling? OH GOD exams in a week and I'm thinking about walking on the ceiling / falling off the floor (I am willing to settle for either).

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