Expat Laura
chastity and poverty
2004-02-27 | 2:45 p.m.


Firstly, I have the internet back. Thank God. After near 4 days sans internet I was going crazy, literally. It's really sad how some parts of my life - e.g the 7 hours after school - are rules by the internet. Either way, I was happy to get 12 emails when I checked. Hurrah!

Second fantatsic thing - an offer from Nottingham for ABB! Score, man! Screw Liverpool offering me AAB, when Nots is a much better Uni with better grades. I have a back up!

Third fantastic thing - Mother has arrived laden with gifts from England (huzzah!0, various chocolates, games and clothes to peruse from her vast collection of goodies. Yay!

However, very bad thing - checked bank account and I have $900. Minus $400 for this month's gym fees. $500 for the whole of March isn't going to get me very far, or even cover my transport costs which are running at $100 a week. Damn mother fuckers.

Really, that is all I have. Plus Kirsten's birthday present this month. And Carol's...the money just isn't spreading. Count your lucky starts E, Jisun and Joanna you had your birthdays before I was stupid enough to sign up for the gym. Bloody hell! I am poor, poor woman and won't be going out at all over Easter, apparently. All things considered I should not have spent $400 on a bag for Jisun, instead choosing smaller, more useful $200 present instead. I just can't keep these gaping losses up. Goddamn I feel bad.

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