Expat Laura
2004-07-19 | 9:08 a.m.

Things I love about America (one week into The Trip):

- reality TV. In fact, all TV. All 750 channels of fat ass TV. I myself am planning to become a reality TV bitch when I go off to Uni (Big Brother 8 watch out, Laura's-a-coming).
- Reese's pieces and all kinds of sweet foods, any food containing high fructose corn syrup, whipped cream/cheese in a can, burgers, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, cookie dough
- the people - a smile and a "howdy" (ha, ha) goes a long way
- people who love English accents (and in America there seem to be a lot of these)
- Andy Dick's reality show "The Assistant" (A. Dick rocks)
- KMART/WAL*MART - don't even get me started

I am an America-o-phile.

..."It's elimination time, Bitches".

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