Expat Laura
dreams can come true
2005-02-11 | 9:01 a.m.

Sexy Stu asked me out. He asked me out! Just like that. It was as easy as,

"I won't be able to stay out late tonight, [he was going to join me and my friends clubbing] so do you want to do something early next week - Monday or Tuesday?".
"Yea, that'd be great!"
"What are you doing tomorrow?"
"I have class at 11, what about you?"
"Not much"
"Well, would you like to do something tomorrow as well then?"
"Yea, sounds great. I'm free all day. Text me, yeah?"

Then he walked me around town and helped me find a taxi; we chatted and I smiled and said goodnight. Later, I texted him to say thank you. He said it was pleasure, x.

X to you too, Sexy Stu.

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