Expat Laura
1 year
2003-06-26 | 7:43 p.m.

A whole school year has passed and in theory we are supposed to be much wiser, much more intelligent and of course oh-so-much-more beautful.

To this statement, I can only say shove it up your arse.

Yes, we have developed. We have pushed the boundaries of what we have known, we have had to cope with difficult things...for some of us we have had out first romantic encounters, for some of us we have had our first (of many!!) drunken debauched nights.

But when it comes down to it, this year has not been about change so much as about opening up to what we have always known was there, or maybe more correctly finding out what has always been there.

In this respect, we have helped each other out alot. As someone I once hated said to me (kickboxing instructor if you're interested)...you show respect for your friends by pushing them as hard as they can go. You show you care by pushing them, maybe so far it hurts, but for the better good. A true friend does this. It is a sign of respect. A true friend says the truth when it needs to be said to help you become who you were always meant to be but never really became. This is a true friend.

In a year such as this, I can only look back and say I am happy to have made the choices I made. Perhaps I didn't seize ALL the opportunities that were offered to me, perhaps I regretted some of my mistakes. But please, show me someone who has done all they wanted, lived everything they wanted to. These people are selfish, in turning down some of these choices we show we are thinking about others. We show we care. And at the end of a very, very long year (but which also passed freakily quickly) I can only say WOW.

There are too many memories to actually count and remember, which is definitely a good thing. We have all shared so many things this year, from new experiences to being hurt to arguments to jealousy. The fact I can only remember certain few is great. We have LIVED this year, with all the shit that life brings, and I am ready to close the book on this year during the summer and start a fresh page next year. I can't wait to build on what we have all established this year, maybe the foundation is a little shaky but I have no doubts that things will improve. We only have one more year for godssake, what have we really got to lose anymore?

I look forward to ending the year on a high note, I have let go of past grudges (well....I'm trying. A leopardess can't change her spots completely) and I look to the future positively. This year may end but we never have to end.

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