Expat Laura
2003-08-01 | 7:18 p.m.

After reading some truly atrocious Y13 leaving yearbook entries, me and K brainstormed our own for next year. Here goes mine (just a rough draft of course)...

"I'll have you naked by the end of this song" Justin Timberlake.

Here's to the Fab Gang for 4 excellent years and memories such as PhiPhi, Les Collons, teapots and release the fury. Thanks to Mutti, Vati and Jimmybob for their nagging which has made me more tolerant and able to block annoying people out. Always a useful skill in life. Tanks also to Colin Farrel for spicing up my nights!! To all those Bobs, Bobins and Bobette's who I'll be meeting later on in life - I am truly this strange, you have been warned.

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