Expat Laura
2003-09-07 | 1:22 p.m.

Feel quite lonely at the moment as Vati is at work (again) and I am all alone with not much to do. On a Sunday!! V bad, workaholic Vati etc.

So New School Year's resolution of keeping up to date/ahead of work but is harder than one might think as I cannot be bothered, dear god there's always a setback! Last night Vati gave me one of those talks you have to listen to as there is no one else around (although I did try to get the waiter to listen in but he didn't take the hint), was one of those Laura, me and Mum and here for you darling, you never confide in us or ask for our advice, we have mucho experience to give, or that was the jist of it. But hands up anyone who actually asks their rents for advice anyway? My point exactly.

There is a line that should not be crossed whilst you are under the age of, say 19-20 with your rents. Because they still view you as child, born of thy womb etc they think that your life is theirs to interfere with and that they can generally look after you/harass you daily. But once you hit the magical age of 20 (actually, maybe when you get a job, I know a few 20 year olds who sitll live under parents' gaze) they SHOULD magically see that it's not longer their business, per se. Then 'true' friendship with the Vati and Mutti can begin i.e sharing life without fear of punishment or retribution and so on,

Well, that's what is meant to happen.

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