Expat Laura
2003-09-08 | 8:08 p.m.

V. wrong whole Joanna, Edward and Yolly love triangley.On scale of wrongness, it is 21/24 (nope, that's how neurotic I am)...so it's 10000/100000.

First it's the lying. Always a bad thing to start doing. Once, forget about it doesn't matter - we all lie. Twice, hmm you're forgiven but TWO WHOLE MONTHS is just sacriledge and worthy of complete silent treatment, vicious looks, anger management therapy etc. Especially from someone who you have spent all Summer with, confidante etc and boy who has been fliritng with you. BASTARD I AM GETTING ALL NEUROTIC AGAIN.

K you have always been right. A tiger cannot change his stripes, leopards and spots etc and once a bastard ALWAYS bastard. LimpDick will never change form and it's wrong I forgot that. I worship thee and listen to thee goddess Kirsty. Erlack, what's happened to the world these days?

Am suffering from severe gymnitius (too much visiting the gym) because you think you're fine lifting 100lb weights and similar because it no hurty when actually the BURN sets in about 5 hours after over exertion...human body so useless sometimes. In drive for fitness Rach seems to have lost all perspective re: her body which is fab and she seems to think she is some kind of lard monster - SO UNTRUE. Hate the media and skinny type modells i.e you Eleanor for being so effortlessly amazing when you have been at home relaxing with broken back, still slim like nymph(o) whilst I am like ogre rooar beasty from the east.

ANYWAY what it all comes down to is love and trust (not really but I have to link it somehow) or lack of in certain cases. OHMIGOD I cannot lift my arm to type because of GYMBURN....think I am disabled.

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