Expat Laura
beach bumming
2003-10-21 | 9:55 a.m.

"Sand between my fingers, sand between my toes, sand up my bum and sand up my nose"...

Is that how the song goes?

Anyway, it was fantisically lovely jubbly beach Monday minus the growth of my attractive BuddhaBelly stomach (size of 2 watermelons) from eating non-stop from 1 til 6. Made me feel rather ill in the evening. Ahh well, the pain of gluttony must be endured. And I can't day I didn't enjoy the huge bag of cheetos, 1.5 sandwiches, half bag of starburst, more cheeto's, lollipops and pizza I consumed.

Highlights of the day were tsunami sized waves that chased me down the beach whilst the others stood firm and took the onslaught like the men they are. Hmph. And who can forget (although I try really really hard), Michelle squeezing into my bikini...urrgh not a nice sight.

And today, "Kill Bill" calls. Hooray! Blood and violence and mayhem!

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