Expat Laura
rugger fuckers
2003-10-26 | 7:14 p.m.

The one thing I will never understand about the weaker sex is why they take their sports team losing (or winning) so personally. Being the Rugby World Cup, or some other crap shennanegans that takes up 5 hours a day of Vati and Jimmybob's time, this has become a very personal issue for me.

Case in point. If England win the game tonight againt some team called... (?) then Jimmy and Vati will be escatically happy. However, should said team lose, they will become fucked off bitching morons for at least 3 days.

Now what I don't understand is this: how can they possibly think that said team's success is down to them, sitting on their fat asses in Hong Kong? Because they sure do act like the only reason England wins any games is their support. At the same time, how can they think that they are in some way related to Bob/Bobin who missed that try/touchdown, and therefore make it their personal vendetta to go and shoot the guy who lost 'them' the match. Notice the personal pronoun? Well it shouldn't be there, not least of all because that whole 6 degree of separation crap linking Vati/Jimmybob to said rugby player does not exist.

That's right old man! Hate to break to to ya but there is no way in hell that taking this sport stuff so seriously is going to help you. Most of all because it repels any woman who hears "ahh England's back player, my cousins aunt's fauther, sister, best friend's friend of a friend knows Bob the scrum half" but most of all, no woman likes arrogance in a man who has not done anything to warrant it. Second of all why the hell does 12 strangers losing a game make you do a Hulk and go furious? Do you care that every day 12 strangers in say, Afghanistan die? Do you mourn them, go to their funerals? Je think not.

Only 3 more weeks of this madness, a whole fucking weekend pampering to James and hiding in my room escaping the grunting of the RuggerBuggers has made me go crazy.

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