Expat Laura
2004-01-04 | 9:25 p.m.

I have been eyeing up the guillotine today because tomorrow is the big D-Day: Return to Borstal, Chapter 500027487 in the pitiful life of Laura.

I actually can't wait to get away from school. My feet are constantly itchy (and it's not just because I wear the same socks each day ho ho ho) but because I feel it's time to move on. I agreed with the 'rents that Gap Year was definitely naynaynay and that going straight to Uni was yayayay, especially since Friday when I can imagine all the fun I'll have going out every night and working piss all - fed up of school and it's disciplinairian approach to Education (although on a bright note no extra curricular activities or good will since the teachers are going on strike) but still have attend, which is the minus side.

Targets for the forthcoming year - do the bare minimum amount of work I can to scrape through and get my AAB (damn fuckers) and have as much fun as I can. Sounds good to me!

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