Expat Laura
20 words
2004-01-15 | 9:16 p.m.

Thought I might jump on the 'tell everyone you've ever met everything they've ever meant to you' bandwagon, with a difference. Instead of ranting on for 1000 words I thought I'd do it in 20. And not just because I am lazy and because only about 5 people read this. Because less is more, my friends. Less is more. In no particular order:

Jisun - Smartypants. Oxford University, AAB for Law. Finishing people's sentences. Smartypants. Sweetly intelligent. Holy. Crazy for doing history. Loves guitar. Hair.

Kirsty - 5 years. Bangkok. BigGayAl. More memories than flab on the arse. Talking, telephones, secrets and smiles. Christina Aguilera and JustinTrousersnake.

Eleanor - big hair. big heart. big boobies. a bit spastic and retarded. bad influence. sugar with a bitchy twist. loving it!

Michelle - theHorn. smelly. small. annoying. whiney. small and smelly. opinion-less...less not more. copycat. rote learner. no creativity. listens, overprotected.

Patch - metrosexual. green welly brigade. public school boy. hooray henry. man friend. backup marriage partner. by 40. STROMO. straight dressing homo.

Xoil - breasts. breasts. breasts. breasts. where from? breasts breasts breasts. joeandxoli. jewish. selfish. egocentric. happygolucky. smiley. sad. daffy. michelle and xoli.

Will - french. lips. the thinker. manfriend. once lover. cheating. sadness. breakupandmakeup. experience. firsts and lasts. piercings. le monde. hopes, dreams? yes.

Bukhini - head prefect. deputy - control freak. kind, caring. sarcastic. over the top. lustful. desirous. porn star dancer. slutty. image conscious.

Joanna - works hard. plays less. hiking, outdoorsy. the eternal optimist. caring, thoughtful. happy. smiling, happy. busy. rushing. movement, here and there.

Kirsten - lips. body. Dean. opinionated. headstrong. romantic. works hard. dancer, sexy, hair. too image conscious. vainity. self love. loneliness. drama queen.

Laura - hypocrite. critical. moody, tempestuous. demanding. over the top, an open book. emotional. happy. sad. happy. sad. protective, a dreamer. Jayne.

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