Expat Laura
2004-01-17 | 6:48 p.m.

I think sometimes I emit a Physics/Chemistry/Spaceman style aura that scares people away from me. Or maybe that's my uncontrollable id breaking out from its repressed English prison. Who knows? But for some reason I have a way of repelling people, or at least being so totally boring they tend to drift off when I'm talking to them and start dribbling. Call it the gift of the gab or whatever you will but it's rather disconcerting.

My true self of course shines when I'm talking to her or her. And because they've been stuck with me for 4 years they can no longer pretend to fall asleep/dribble copiously/die when I'm talking to them, or else suffer the wrath, ho ho ho. (The wrath of Santy Claus? Perhaps.) Anyway, back to my wo/man repelling skills.

Of course in those rare moments (when I'm drunk, unconscious or pretending to be someone else) I am not only funny, witty, charming but attractive as well. Unfortunately these times are limited to a) when I have consumed dangerous amounts of alcohol b) am around my stranger-than-me friends and c) when I'm alone. I know, it doesn't quite have the same level of impact does it -, plus when the Mutti walks in and your laughing maniacally to yourself she tells you to shut up and have your Prozac.

Of course, I can't be completely human-repellent as I function fine in school, have a trough full of friends and have been hit on more than once by a) a 35 year old black man sporting a gold pimpdaddy chain and b) a psycho with a haircut as if released from the mental asylum. So I dorealise I have a very basic level of attractiveness not to be overlooked. But I think there's room for improvement/drastic change. Will brainstorm ideas and come back to you later.

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