Expat Laura
2004-03-06 | 10:22 a.m.

Wandering around Page One and was struck by the sheer volume of self help books on offer. At a conservative estimate there are 10 rows of self help books. However, there are only about 3 rows for "Economy/Finance". Surely in the grand scheme of things it should be the other way around?

Was also struck by the titles of such books, which have changed from the downright embarassing ("The Cup is Half Full, The Life of A Working Girl", "What Men Want And How To Kneel Over And Give It" etc etc) to gorgeous, sazzy titles such as "The Bad Girl's Guide To Living Life", "Smart, Bitchy and Successful - How To Achieve Global Domination" and so on. These are infinitely more appealing and enticing - after all, who doesn't want to achieve global domination?

And so I found myself (by some twist of the space-time continuum) in the Self-Help aisle yesterday pondering on where the market for so, so many of these books is. On the other hand, I think I'm getting an idea - have just had the 2nd worst haircut of all time (the worst haircut being the one where it looked like I had a rat on my head) and those "Smart, Sophisticated, Sexy" books are looking much more appealing. I'm starting to think that the publishing industry is in cahoots with the hairdressing/clothes size industries. Egs: You get - 1x bad haircut!!. You go out and buy "How to Love Yourself (Without Hair). They make $120!!. Everyone wins!! Except me, with a bad haircut and with $120 less in my pocket.

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