Expat Laura
2003-08-06 | 10:27 a.m.

Following on from K's bitch, am getting damn annoyed with my little Jimmybob brother as well. Know I should be appreciating him before he leaves for the Yuk - I was even going to take him out for lunch and pay, the little scamp - but instead all I can do is stop myself from cheering and planning a party when he leaves.

I don't know what it is about little siblings, or my little/bigfatass brother but in the Summer holidays he morphs into Jimmybob the most annoying Power Ranger ever, intent on creating chaos and mayhem in the world and I morph into the Bad Guy with some kind of weird face and fat problem, ostracized (ooh new word du jour) by family for being 'mean to the poor boy, he'll be leaving poor ickle mumsy won't he?'. There are no words.

The saddest thing is he is getting everything he wants before he leaves. The difference between him and K (altho obviously there is big difference, she is not annoying self centered brat) is that he has sort of manipulated my parents into buying him, so far, a new MP3 player (which incidentally he lost in the Yuk and it had to be sent back to HK, the little tyke can't even keep his new things), a new mobile phone plus expensive contract and a bank allowance that rivals mine, and in fact may be even bigger. Now this is quite obviously not fair esp. as I will be left to deal with Mutti and Vati whilst he is gone, and will have to divert their attention away from me. This takes precious time and resources which are currently unavailible.

On the bright side I may miss him (he sometimes, every blue moon, lies for me) and he is my brother and I love him. I just wish he could get his head out of his arse long enough to appreciate what he has and stop manipulating the Mutti and Vati for more....I guess he's too much like his sister in that respect

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