Expat Laura
2003-08-27 | 4:02 p.m.

I do have a shopping disease.

Me and Mitch found an Esprit outlet and I was flabbergasted by the thousand of cloths they had, huge chunks of swarthy black jumpers and pearl white strapn tops and hot pink shirts and green skirts and purple shoes, and all for something like $50. Amazing! Anyway brought this lurvely dress, v. retro blank and white and something K would be proud of. :)

Mitch didn't sound too keen on the idea of cooking lessons but feel it is necessary - intensive cooking course anyone? Can just about make toast so am need of training. Am feeling good about meself, comparing A Level horror stories with Mitch was reassuring (in a selfish way). Still not quite the same as shopping with K though (is it infidelity to say that? I WAS THINKING OF YOU THE WHOLE TIME).

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