Expat Laura
sugar highs
2003-10-08 | 6:17 p.m.

It's quite good being back at shcool actually, being the socially desperate creature I am I missed my friends as shown by talking 10 to the dozen (what a queer expression) all day.

Will, you are so right. The problems re: Koh Samui trip are already rearing their ugly heads..to give you a taste it involves betrayal, tears and upset friends..oh yeah, and Eleanor who's going to be the Nurse and caress everyone better and have a miserable time. (Don't worry Darlin' I'll make it worth your time. He he).

Am quite excited at the thought of rocks shaped in phallic manner and all the photo opportunities that will present themselves, along with funny posing etc.

BUT UNTIL THEN..slogging away at l'ecole. Oooh I fancy a HobNob.

I have nothing important to note, apart from the fact that it's almost the weekend and I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL BAILEY'S SATURDAY NIGHT ELEANOR SLEEPOVER! GRR. OOOh listening to BUSTED! BUSTED ARE FOREVER DUDE!

I'm feeling quite strange. Acutally I have just eaten a tube of Fruit Pastilles so maybe the sugar overload is doing funny things to me. Better go and drink some syrup (sorry, water) to equalize myself.

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