Expat Laura
hot stuff
2003-10-12 | 8:58 p.m.

I have so many loose ends to tie up it's unbelievable, or it would be if it weren't so believable.

Backlogs of coursework, questions, essays, sheets to do, people to see things about...oh dear god I feel quite ill.

The difference between what you should do and what you do do is obviously that you don't do it. I am just so demotivated at the moment (read: 2 months) I can't seem to get myself into gear - 5 exams call and ... nope not feeling anything except "Not again".

Now that shouldn't be right.

So my whatsit goals for the next half term are:

-finish off work left over from this half term

-start revising for SATAN EXAMS in January

-keep up to date with work

-have fun!

-stop being a doormat and make some waves, stand up for self in face of ugly bastards etc.

We'll see how it goes. But nights like Saturday (Hot Stuff this evening baby!) make it so worth it. Here's to many more nights like these...and mornings where I get to eat chocolate for rbeakfast. Yum.

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