Expat Laura
queen of the world
2003-11-16 | 8:13 p.m.

I don't like being a bitch, honestly I don't. OK sometimes I do.

Y'see, bitchLaura is, to put it mildly, someone whose eyes you'd want to gouge out. Possibly with some kind of hook, whilst also sawing off one of her legs. BitchLaura is like that really annoying girl you see in films, the girl who a) splits up the fiancees at the altar declaring her and the husband (or wife) have been having wild animal sex for a year or b) the one who is the crazy housemate who sleeps with knife under pillow and threatens to saw off facial protrubances if you disturb her etc.

People don't mind being mean, but no one likes the consequences of it. Take, for instance, guilt. Dear God, guilt is the worst punishment for being mean. Perhaps worse is retribution in the form in silence, bitchin' stares etc from friends but guilt probably ranks numbero uno. Guilt's good friend is of course "What If?" who promises to haunt you for the rest of you life with scenario's of what could/should of happened if you didn't have social Tourettes and start being a bitchin' ho every now and then.

"What If?" creeps into your dreams and niggles you when you're typing in front of the computer screen..."What If I hadn't made that crass joke about blah to blah?". It's unfair really, but it's the best form of classically conditioning being a social moron out of you.

Some people could do with a bit of guilt. If I were Queen of the World, as I will be some day, I'd give pieces/slabs of guilt to certain people with a side order of "What If?". People who I'm feeling deserve this at the moment - Michelle for 100x phone calls a day (I have work to do woman!), teachers for giving the damn work and all those mean and nasty people who've ever made me cry. That's right, when I'm Queen of the World, things are going to change around here.

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