Expat Laura
2003-11-19 | 10:05 p.m.

Parents evenings are generally terrible because 2/3 of the parties attending don't want to be there - that is to say you and the teacher. Parents are, as always, eager to find out where the $70,000 a term is going and milk the evening for all it's worth, like fat kid looking for cupcake in haystack, pumping poor teachers for information like they are cows and so on. Anyway, tonight was a generally good evening with some glitches i.e the poor attiude of some of the teachers but a nice ego rub over all. And who doesn't need some of that every now and then eh?

It's great having friends who are as intelligent as...Eleanor (?) et al because they lift you up and keep on pushing you to work harder and be better. I'm sure if my friends were getting C's and D's then I would be fine with SPAKCING OFF. But thanks to you Lardyloo you have made be reach a C for my synoptic psych paper! That's right! A C-D! Wow! And I'm not supposed to be happy with that with one month to prepare for the exam with no help, I'm supposed to be getting an A - sorry WE'RE supposed to be getting an A...riiight.

Important things to note today: that a secret hiding place should never be revealed even under the threat of DEATH, that Lauray is a terrible liar and Michelle is a sneaky, cunning woman. And Eleanor plays with herself at home instead of attending parent evenings.

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