Expat Laura
2004-01-15 | 10:38 a.m.

I look like the archetypical writer - a huge mug of tea at my side, I am tapping away intently whilst looking at the screen, glasses ocasionally slipping down my nose (which I push up in a frustrated, vague manner), mumbling to myself quietly. My hair is messy and newly washed, my black rollneck sweater ripped in places. I take a sip from my tea and read what I have just written.

Instead of working I am, as usual, procrastinating. I am having a complete mental black as what to do for my (11th) piece of English coursework. A diary in the style of Bridget Jones but with a man as the protagonist? An stream of consciousness style piece of work like Virginia Woolf? Baah. My brain feels foggy and I think I have a viral ear infection again, because I want to throw up whenever I move my head. Damn ears, always getting me into trouble (along with my big gob...I seem to have drawn the short straw).

Having a Punk'd moment watching the SexGod Ashton Kutcher and in the style of Punk'd I was thinking of ways we could Punk theLaurenbitch. What she said to you was honestly unforgivable, Eleanor and I am sorry you have had to take the crap for what was essentially a group decision, minus a few wussies who now have come to the dark side. Anyhows, back to Punk'in her ass. I was thinking something along the lines of setting her up for a bungee/parachute jump but 'forgetting' to attatch the rather necessary parachute or rope to her and then pushing her out of plane/off cliff or mountain. Sounds good, right? A little off original Punk'd in intention, but the sequels are always more interesting, eh? Anyhows, tell her to meet us at Chek Lap Kok tomorrow at 12. I just think this one might be the best Punk'd ever.

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