Expat Laura
2004-01-20 | 7:30 p.m.

Oh my god it is bloody freezing. 3 days ago it was 18 degrees and suddenly it is 10 DEGREES. That's not even a temperature and even moreso when there is no central heating, and I cannot wear enough clothes to keep self warm. Is of course different in the Northern Climes where such cool temperatures are expected and the miracle of central heating and perception of the cold doesn't make it seem too cold. But I am wearing gloves and trying to type, not to mention a scarf and thermal underwear. 3 people dead because of cold snap, this is ridiculous!

Am trying to campaign the Mutti and Vati to invest in more than one radiator but they seem to think this is character building. Definitely not, more like frostbite making. By mriacle of science it is colder in the house than outside, damned for living in this long house where heat disappates like a flash. Brr. Dinner calls, will eat self into stupor.

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