Expat Laura
2004-01-23 | 4:54 p.m.

Listening: The White Stripes - Hotel Yorba

The end of the 'proper' exams, bring on the wafty ones like English! Huge weight off shoulders, as evidenced by nightmares last night with Mdme Bohm peering over my shoulder, tutting and crossing my name off list (of death? perhaps). Thought I was going to die.

Having a condom emergency as in the pit of my room have lost a vitally imporrtant condom - vitally important because if the Mutti or Vati find it I will be shot. My room is disgusting haven for SARS, Bird Flu etc and somewhere in there a lost condom. Scary stuff. Have to remove condoms etc from wallet when Bruder is around as he has a nasty tendency to take whatever is in my bag and look at it, even private thing such as wallets and there have been many close shaves where he has almost found something contraband. But Mutti and Vati also break the boundaries and look in my room, nosing around for made-up items. Anyhows, must find the forbidden condom (hopefully if they do find it they'll realise their daughter is a sex savvy young lady, don't think they'll look at it that way though).

Word of the day: faux-hangover = fangover

I like it. Except I'll add to that - I no longer have fangovers from alcopops, jollyshandy's etc but I have whole fanteve's (fantasy evenings) where, when I am feeling poor, pathetic and antisocial I pretend I have other commitments (family dinner usually) and make up a whole fanteve but really stay at home, eat and watch TV and possibly drink myself into a fangover.

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