Expat Laura
2004-03-07 | 1:40 p.m.

The US navy-marines were in town this weekend and this can only mean one of two things: a) a huge ego rub or b) a rub of quite another sort.

Understandably, being holed up on a ship for god-knows-how-many-months would not be anyone's idea of a good time. So, when that ship docks it's party time! Hong Kong never sees as many gorgeous men as in the days when the SM (SailorMen) come. They're a bit like the rain after the drought - huge, rippling, testosterone filled men shaming the weeny, scrawny good-for-nothing local boys! Hurrah!

Point 1: when the SM come to town, shopping becomes a whole different kind of activity. Shopping for clothes this weekend? Hell no, I'm shopping for a man! Keeping within the 10 metre rule (never let your Victim get more than 10m away from you), had quite a good time with E yesterday trying to perv without so obviously perving. A good trick is to stare at the back of their heads and say things like, "Go INTO Nine West and buy me a pair of shoes". Not that it actually works, but you can hope they hear you when you say, "I'm desperate, single AND alone...come home with me!". Still waiting for the results on that one, though.

Point 2: Sitting on the bus and saw 2 gorgeous specimens of Virility walking along the pavement. One may - or may not - have been waving at the bus and coquettishly (for that is my middle name) I waved back, smiled and batted my eyelids. I know, I make multi-tasking a skill. HotMan 1 said something to his friend along the lines of, "Hey that chick's waving at me" and as he turned around I did my little coquettish thing again, charming the pants off the Ben Affleck looky-likes. The best part? As the bus began to move forward, they tried to keep up. Unfortunately it was green lights all the way and they were left trailing in my dust. It'ce nice to be on the other side of the glass, for a change.

Either way, since it's Sunday (read: Death Day) having the sailors in town makes it just a bit more bearable. Plus, they're just. So. Gorgeous.

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