Expat Laura
the trials and tribulations of summer
2004-05-09 | 10:15 a.m.

With the onset of summer comes the most dreaded of activities � weekly hair removal. Wearing pretty summer dresses but having beastly, dark forest armpits is the most embarrassing of occurrences, and such hairyness must be immediately dealt with, often as if planning an army invasion. Of course, during l�hiver hair removal is a less frequent chore (wearing 6 coats tends to negate the need for hairless underarm) and it can be left until you are reaching crisis point e.g hair growing out of shirt sleeve. But, as the weather heats up, clothes are stripped off and bikinis squeezed into � we women wage a war on hair.

Whether it be ripped out of its follicles or sliced off using a 3 bladed razor, women have a hundred different ways of getting rid of that hair. There is frequently blood (and it is amazing just how much a tiny nick will bleed on a white carpet), screams of pain and sometimes a blocked drain � although, hopefully not too often. And who hasn�t, in a fit of stupidity, sprayed their alcohol based deodorant under their armpit and felt the fiery burn of alcohol + raw skin?

The summer also means that deodorant duty has to be stepped up a notch. I have an extremely smelly friend whom everyone avoids during the summer and as a consequence me and my other non-smelly friends all go thorough about 1 bottle of the miracle juice (deodorant) a week, out of sheer paranoia. Pacts have been made (�Darling, you must tell me if I smell�, �Oh no darling you must tell me if I smell!�), tears have been shed, armpits smelled frequently. It�s not a pretty sight�

And neither are sweat patches. The bane of women (and men, ha!) all shirts which are not black (which are paradoxically able to absorb the most heat, thus leading to more sweating etc) are relegated to the back of the cupboard. Seeing as I am a devoted string-top wearer, sweat patches affect me less than my t-shirt wearing foes. Along with hairy armpits, huge sweat rings are not cool unless your name is �The Hulk� and you can beat me into a pulp.

Time for me and my razor to get acquainted, once again.

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