Expat Laura
shags and boos
2004-06-20 | 10:19 a.m.

In an attempt to relieve mid-exam stress, on Friday I went on the kind of shopping orgy that would make a group of pornstars blush. But I always find the behaviour of others more shocking than my own; I was in Mango and it's the only time I've seen grown women in business suits crawling on the floor looking for "that other shoe" (followed by screeching, hairpulling and crying as someone else gets it first).

The word "sale" is powerful. It makes me rip open my wallet, take out my ATM card and start buying fickle, flighty things such as pounds and pounds of MAC makeup which I then proceed to massacre my face with. I buy dresses that don't quite fit but might someday (if I lose/gain a few kilos) and numerous bags and shoes. But show me any girl who does not need another bad or pair of shoes and I will show you a damn liar!

So mid-exam stress relieved and bank account suitably damaged, it's time to knuckle down and get these 2 last bastards (sorry, exams) over and done with.

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