Expat Laura
Cute vs. Fugly
2004-06-20 | 6:24 p.m.

Being called 'cute' just means you're ugly but socially acceptable -- Mrs. Rodgers, fabulous English teacher

And so it is. I have been called 'cute' just one too many times - cute, gamine - pah! And so, in a drastic confrontion (me vs. the English class) The Teacher settled it once and for all.
Me: "I don't want to be cute. I'm NOT cute - I'm SEXY".
"Class", says Teacher, "do not call Laura cute...cute is just another word for ugly, but socially acceptable!"

She's cool.

And I'm not cute, which is most important. Sexy, stunning, gorgeous, fanastic, fabulous - whatever. But never cute. So I'm starting my Cute Is Just Another Word for Ugly But Socially Acceptable Campaign '04. Spread the word. Banish the words cute/nice from the global vocabulary and fight vapidness and vacuous talk with me!

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